Our Capabilities

Innovation Acceleration
VES aids government and private sector firms interested in improving their ability to innovate. Services range from putting in place organizational processes to spur innovation to enabling selection of innovative new technologies for a strategic or operational purpose. Additionally VES provides services overseeing development of innovative technologies from within the organization and aiding investment decisions when faced with multiple innovative investment options. We also provide consulting expertise around federal funding options for commercial clients with innovative products and solutions.
VES aids government and private sector firms interested in improving their ability to innovate. Services range from putting in place organizational processes to spur innovation to enabling selection of innovative new technologies for a strategic or operational purpose. Additionally VES provides services overseeing development of innovative technologies from within the organization and aiding investment decisions when faced with multiple innovative investment options. We also provide consulting expertise around federal funding options for commercial clients with innovative products and solutions.
Related Case Studies
Defense Innovation
A Fortune 500 defense firm was looking to improve their potential to innovate. With our partner, VES personnel examined specific areas including engineering process improvement and culture that could be improved to drive higher levels of innovation and affordability. VES personnel identified competitive threats in some key areas and identified how those competitors are solving client pain points at reduced cost. As a result of the analysis, the firm moved forward with a follow on focused effort to improve processes and drive innovation.
Acquisition Innovation
A client was looking to improve the product acquisition process and to accelerate “speed to market” of critical capabilities. In conjunction with our partners, VES personnel helped conceive and put in place an innovative process that brings seasoned equipment operators together with innovators to conceive new approaches to operational requirements. VES personnel recommended melding best practices from the commercial world or inspired by research from the Wharton School of Business along with best practices from government. After several years the process of this internal “venture capital effort” has been honed and refined, with significant investment (several hundred million dollars) executed or planned for investment. Initial results have been so successful that the organization’s annual budget has increased by 900%.

Business Consulting, Strategic Planning & Implementation Services
We enable your organization to make better business decisions. We use a variety of tools such as financial modeling, multi-variate selection criteria, alternate futures and simulations to enable an organization to both select the best course of action and to future proof that decision. We provide strategic planning and strategic implementation services: developing or updating organizational strategies and improving an organization’s ability to implement a chosen strategy.

Federal Market Entry Development & Support
VES enable commercial customers to better understand the federal government market space and aids customers to make better decision making around market entry strategies. VES also provides Government relations support and Stakeholder strategy, enabling customers to improve existing relationships and develop opportunities to more effectively market products.

Defense Analysis & Studies
VES provides defense related analysis and study support for government and commercial customers. It applies a fact-based, and hypothesis driven approach to frame and solve client challenges. As part of its critical analysis capability, VES also provides customers with a unique ability to “stress test” strategic planning options and operational concepts via use of alternative futures, wargaming or business simulations and other tools to enable more robust decision-making in the face of an uncertain future. VES has particular insight in areas of maritime and undersea competition, unmanned operations, integrated air and missile defense, and Pacific operations.

Unmanned Undersea/Surface Vehicles
VES helps clients innovate in the unmanned vehicle space. VES employees have substantial undersea operational and technical expertise and cutting edge knowledge of maritime Unmanned Undersea (UUV) and Unmanned Surface vehicle (USV) operational and technical issues; we also have personnel with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) analysis experience. We can help you manage the development of unmanned vehicles and enable a better understanding of operational use profiles more likely to be attractive in a real world environment.

Energy / Renewable Energy Support, Infrastructure
We provide energy strategy, analysis and study expertise as well as business and technical support for renewable energy projects, energy resiliency improvement and infrastructure projects. We can assist your organization navigate and manage complex energy and infrastructure business decisions.

Health Care Analysis & Support
VES consultants enable detailed business case analysis and rationalization of health care services including hospital and medical facility capacity. For example VES enables clients to ascertain the right mix of Federal (DoD, VA and other) medical assets given the private sector facilities in an areas (and vice versa). We advise both private sector and government clients on the most cost effective way to deliver specified services. VES develops strategic plans and provides specified consulting services for individual health care facilities.

Budget & Financial Programming Support
VES personnel enable agency personnel to make better financial and programmatic decisions and to improve the performance of budget and programming offices conducting these services. In conjunction with our business partners we address the following areas:
- Organizational Effectiveness– Optimize performance and improve organizational health.
- Integrated Strategy, Budget, and Performance Management– help clients develop and align their strategic plan, budget, and performance management systems.
- Information Systems Engineering Services– accelerates client projects by integrating in-depth understanding of data, work flow processes, technical solutions, and implementation methods.

Acquisition & Program Support
VES provides qualified government agencies with experienced and well trained acquisition support personnel. Services include program management and strategies to maximize potential for acquisition programs to meet key decision thresholds. We provide experienced acquisition professionals with operational backgrounds that enable a nuanced and deep understanding of requirements and operational impact of programmatic decisions. We enable the private sector to understand operational requirements to enable better designed acquisition products.