Ventus has been supporting the NAVSEA Frigate Program Office (PMS 515) since the program was established in 2015 and provides expertise across a broad portfolio of ship design and support activities. The Ventus team facilitated development of the ship’s capability requirements, warfare and C4I systems selection, shipbuilding specifications development, and performance analysis. The team lead efforts to assess manpower and training requirements, as well as training facility infrastructure and military construction planning. The Ventus team also facilitated development of innovative and cost-effective plans to complete early integration testing, construction stage testing and post-delivery developmental and operational testing plans. These efforts helped the Frigate Program Office to accelerate the acquisition schedule of the Frigate, advancing ship design and procurement by four to six years, equating to more than $500 million in cost avoidance. This resulted in the early award of a multibillion-dollar, open competition, Detail Design and Construction contract, awarded more than four months ahead of schedule despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Navy leadership cited this team as a positive example of accelerated acquisition that is changing how the Navy designs and procures ships. The Program Office was recognized with the 2020 David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award.